Our Chapter History
Ten dedicated, determined, and driven women with a vision chartered the Rho Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority on November 24, 1930 at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. The National President, Anna Julian, performed the ceremony. Rho Sigma Chapter was among the first fifteen graduate chapters organized in our sisterhood. The name was changed to Shreveport Alumnae Chapter in June 1959.
During the “Trying Times of the Thirties”, the fight against polio was embraced as Sorors volunteered at Charity Hospital.
Throughout the “Far-Reaching Forties”, our chapter supported civic projects with services to Pines Sanitarium for Tuberculosis, YMCA, YWCA, NAACP, and Red Cross.
Our first debutante cotillion was conceived in the “Flourishing Fifties”. Sixteen young ladies were presented to society. We hosted the Southwest Regional Conference.
In “The Stimulating Sixties” we published our first newsletter, The Quack Quack. Delta Service Girls were organized for Veterans Hospital.
During the “Sensational Seventies”, we hosted the 23rd Southwest Regional Conference. The End of the Year Social was introduced to entertain supporters of Delta’s programs.
Two Girl Scout Troops were chartered during the “Exciting Eighties”. The dream of a Delta Life Development Center became a reality. Pi Pi Chapter at LSU- Shreveport was chartered.
In the “Notable Nineties”, we sponsored Health Fairs. Our chapter was recognized as the top fundraiser for Northwest Sickle Cell Foundation.
During the new era of 2000, our “Burn the Mortgage” on our Life Development Center highlighted our activities. The Delta Academy program became a viable entity and Jabberwock was our biggest scholarship fundraiser. We also hosted the 41st Southwest Regional Conference. Other projects include the addition of our Archival Area in the Life Development Center, our continued involvement in Social Action and Political Awareness emphasizing voter registration, Health and Wellness, Educational Development and Financial Fortitude.
The ongoing pandemic tried to slow us down, but we found a new way to keep our Five Point Program Thrust going strong through our virtual meetings and webinars via Zoom. As Shreveport Alumnae continues traditions established years before, we remain confident in our efforts to empower women and extend public service for the benefit of all humanity.